The 17th century in Europe was a period of great upheaval. Religious, Territorial, and other conflicts between the people and governmental control led to continuous warfare. The government in turn levied even heavier taxes on the already suffering people.

   Monarchs tried to impose order by increasing their own power. As absolute rulers, they regulated everything from religious worship to social gatherings to control the spread of ideas. People would be arrested and thrown in the dungeon for having more than 5 people even in their own homes. The monarchs created new government bureaucracies to control their countries’ economic life. Their goal was to free themselves from the limitations imposed by the nobility and by representative bodies such as Parliament. Their objective was to give themselves freedom so they could rule absolutely, like the most famous monarch of his time, Louis XIV of France.

   Does this little history lesson remind you of anything? It seems to me like we are reliving a bad part of history. Yes, this is why we need to study and learn history. Knowledge is power and people with knowledge can not be ruled as sheep.

   It seems to me that the Democrat party represents the monarch. They don’t want to play by the rules of the people, “The Constitution.” They don’t want to be held accountable when they break the laws, so they set up regulatory commissions, or bureaucracies by the thousands to control their country’s economic life. They need to free themselves from the limitations of the Constitution. TABC, Bureau of Land Management, Eminent Domain Laws, etc.

   The Democrat party’s long-term goal is to have absolute power, higher taxes to further burden the thriving capitalist, and distribution of hard-working peoples’ money so everyone is “equal.” No more private ownership of property and ranchers and farmers will have their lands seized to be run by the Monarchs, Oops!, I mean the Democrats. Total Control of the People!

   Before you Democrats start getting your little granny panties in a wad about President Trump, Let me continue with this statement…..

   The Democrats were hollering and screaming and warning us that Mr. Trump was going to take over as a dictator. Yes, a dictator, and now they are saying that “President Trump’s” America is rioting and burning down American homes and businesses, and “certain cities” are in chaos.

   Well, looky here, the man you said wanted to be a dictator has let the Governors run their own states as they see fit. As we all know, the states run by Democrat Governors are the Only Ones burning, rioting, and in utter chaos. President Trump has offered time and time again to send help to those cities in chaos. But the Democrat Governors continue to let the people that elected them into office live afraid to leave their homes, watch their families beaten and killed, and watch their hard work for businesses be burnt to the ground. Ah yes, all while living in their safe monarch castle, Oops, mansion, that the people have paid for. Well, the people that are being terrorized are also American citizens so believe me, President Trump will not allow these Monarchs, I mean Governors, to ignore the pleas of Americans much longer so just know, he is coming and America is coming with him.

   Another point…Who took the China Tariff money (That never existed before Pres T.) and gave it to our ranchers and farmers? Yes, President Trump. I have listened to the leaders of our cattlemen and agriculture groups speak and they avidly support Pres T because they know he backs them and they aren’t afraid of losing their family business to a power-mongering Monarch, I mean Democrats!

   Last but not least, Who demanded that Governors open up churches or face penalties, who is going to defund the big obnoxious universities if they don’t open up their classrooms, who is pushing our children’s grade schools to open back up to gain Knowledge because knowledge gives the people power!

   President Trump loves America and he wants us to go back to our businesses and schools so we can get back to the America we love and work for with pride and love.

   Written by: Lincoln

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