Here we are moving into 2024, A Big, Important year with a Huge election coming up. Why Huge? Well it might be your last REAL election if the GOP does not win. As encapsulated in the book by David Horowitz, “The Final Battle,” (a must read for all conservatives) because that is what this will be. To fulfill the Democrats plan as it is with over 20 Million illegal aliens (Yes, that is the Real number) coming over the border to become legal (or illegal) voters and being properly positioned in the right key states, and will All vote Democrat, the Republican party will never be able to win another election ever. We will be governed like another Russia, Ukraine, China or North Korea. The Obama plan coming to fruition just as he set in motion back in 2008 on his “Apology For America Tour.”

   Here I am writing this just two days after the Iowa Caucuses’, Such an Awesome GOP win for President Donald Trump and just like I and many others had predicted. He swept a record breaking win of 98 counties out of 99 and the one was by 1 vote. The biggest win in the states caucus history. Such a waste of time and money (over $250 million) wasted by his GOP opponents. Niki Haley, the half liberal RINO, a wolf in sheeps clothing as the saying goes, what a loud mouth idiot. She can’t even run a household not to mention a country, This two term Governor, and get Rich Queen Politician. I predict she loses her own state of South Carolina. Then Ron Desanctimonious ( I couldn’t help that,) Yes he did wonders as Governor of Florida and right where he should stay. You can run a state, does not mean you can run a country, Especially the Biggest, Baddest, most powerful country in the world. Especially with where we are at this exact moment in time, which is down the tubes and on the way to screwed. The only coming back from this point is MAGA, (Biden doesn’t even know what it means, he thinks it’s a bad thing,) This country needs President Donald J Trump to bring back all the policies he established in his first term making this the most successful, most prosperous, most energized country on the planet. Now think back and remember he did all that good while being attacked and bullied everyday, two impeachments, a combative mainstream media, a congress that would not budge for him, even a minority of Republicans and still the most vibrant and successful economy in the history of America.

   So it is on to New Hampshire (already past by the time this prints,) South Carolina and then Super Tuesday. I just can’t wait to get past all of this and move on to the real beast in the general election. The Republicans need to band and work together against the real enemy destroying this country, The Progressive Far Left. Right now it just seems so far off and several articles away to the GOP Convention on July 15th. This is the real key, because the democrats know how to campaign (cheat,) circle the wagons and work together for one set cause and goal. The Republicans not so much, they have proven to be better at inhouse fighting and and just working with their own caucus. This has to be an all out, no holds barred fight to the end with the result of winning.

   Then to move on to another insulting piece of garbage, Hunter Biden. What a total piece of shit. This man thinks he is above everyone because he is the son of the figure head president. With all he has going on and all the corrupt income he has generated for his entire family with more than 10 members involved that we know about and a multitude of millions of dollars generated and a lot of it tax free, Well at least he thought so. This Ass, was served with two legal subpoenas to appear for a closed door deposition with the committee in congress just as everyone involved in the same would be obligated to appear. Oh Yeah, Does anyone remember, Peter Navarro, Dan Scavino, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, All Donald Trump associates, advisors or cabinet members, All charged with Contempt of Congress, All arrested and All with time in jail, for what? Not appearing in front of the Democrats for a congressional deposition. But, Hunter can not appear, not only can he not appear, he can still show up both times, once to talk shit in front of the capital on television and the other to coreographically walk into the House Chambers with his attorney and idiot cohort “sugar brother” during his contempt vote and sit in the front row, basically giving the middle finger in the air to all Americans. Also what kind of idiot that is going to do drugs, hang out with hookers and do it all naked in front of a camera recording it all for prosperity, Oh yeah and also evidence of the crime.

   Now let’s move closer to home for me and a lot of us, The Border. There is no doubt that the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has to be impeached, should have been two years ago. The Republicans are finally stepping up to this but lets see how far they will go especially that it has to go through the Democrat run senate. This dumb bald ass fool is such a liar and idiot. He just shapes his words in incredibly stupid ways, “the border is closed,” “the border is a challenge,” NO the border is wide freakin open for every terrorist, criminal, and nut case along with other poor suppressed people from other socialist driven countries, not to mention all the military age young single males from especially China, who are coming here to build China’s military within our borders. It isn’t enough that China has taken over our educational system for the past 30 years, has committed computer technology theft of our top business’ and military for years with no recourse, has their own Chinese police forces in significantly large cities around the country, I remember this personally as far back as the 70’s and 80’s from living in San Francisco at the time. Now they are building up their Chinese military personnel right here within our country, and under our nose with our open border. Especially in California with all the land purchases made to fulfill their dream of a west coast Chinese militay installation, not to mention all the land they have purchased along side and adjoining our own military bases in Texas, North and South Dakota and more.

   We are already screwed and almost at the point of “no return.” That is why this is “The Final Battle.”

More To Come,

– RR

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