We all know by now that this Biden Nazi Regime is actually Obama’s third term with the backing of America hating George Soros. There is actually a video of Obama making a speech about all he would need is a figurehead posing as a president so he could serve a third term. This Nazi Regime is using a 4 step plan to divide and conquer our great country and to pit each of us against each other.

   Here are their 4 steps….


   Promote hatred towards a particular group (American Patriots) Promote white supremacy by creating a divide between whites and blacks and browns.


   Blame all (American Patriots) for poor conditions of minorities, spread propaganda about how (American Patriots) are the cause of their being held down.


   The government discriminates against any (American Patriot) and jails them all while allowing their followers (such as BLM and ANTIFA) to break the laws and not be prosecuted or to be simply released from jail for the same thing that (American Patriots) are rotting away in prisons as political prisoners for (American Patriots) are physically attacked and killed without consequence.


   BLM and ANTIFA (this Nazi Regimes little minions) are encouraged to riot, burn and destroy any and all people that don’t support them (the American Patriots.) Attack them in public, throw them out of business without consequence. Police and Firemen are told to stand down while all of this destruction is happening.

   There is actually a major step that goes along with these 4 steps and it is to Disarm The Citizens!

   I am sorry to say my awesome readers that I have actually mislead you throughout this article. This 4 step process was actually “Hitler’s 4 step process for dehumanizing the Jews.” Go back through this article and replace “Jews” for “American Patriots.” Our government is actually taking Hitler’s 4 step plan and using it to destroy the American Patriot! You know, how the government wants us confined into small groups, the lockdowns will be back after the midterm elections.

   They are taking away our food supply and ability to be self sustainable, by forcing farmers to destroy their own crops or risk losing their subsidies and also telling them what they can and can’t plant. How many food processing plants facilities have been burnt to the ground since this Nazi Regime has taken over? Are we at about 20 now here in the United States?

   How about the millions of chickens and eggs that were destroyed under the guise of lies? How about ten thousand head of cattle suddenly dying of the heat? How about China starting to shut down their hog farms, and Smithfield is just one the Chinese owned hog plants. (Thank you to Aric Almirola for retiring.) Or how about this…Bill Gates and the Chinese are buying up millions and millions of farm and ranch lands, you know the ones that want us to stop eating real meat and instead eat Bill Gates “Beyond Meat” products. Did you hear the “rumor” that Bill Gates’ fake
meat plants are getting kidneys from aborted babies from Planned Parenthood? Supposedly the FDA knows about this but they said the percentage is so low that it isn’t required to list it in the ingredients. Conspiracy theory? Well last year when I was reporting on how the farmers were being forced to destroy their own crops, that was deemed a conspiracy theory, too, But look what happened, It was found to be true! Wake up people, We need to Unite and Fight Back before it’s too late.

   Don’t let this Nazi Regime use Hitler’s 4 step plan toDestroy America!

   Always Here To Inform, Lincoln

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