Kamala Harris is the most far-left, radical Democratic candidate for president in the history of the United States. Once ranked the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate, Harris has staked out extremely progressive positions on border security (or lack thereof), immigration, healthcare, fracking, education, energy, and more. And, because she’s an opportunist, she’s flip-flopped on nearly every issue.

   “I support a Green New Deal and I will tell you why: climate change is an existential threat to us and we’ve got to deal with the reality of it.”

– Kamala supports a Green New Deal

   “I know what a crime looks like and I will tell you that an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

– Kamala supports open borders

   “I believe we need to look locally and elect progressive prosecutors. Because the vast majority of prosecutions occur at the state and local level.”

– Kamala supports soft-on-crime policies

   “We have confused the idea that to achieve safety we need to put more cops on the street — we really do need to understand and reimagine how we can make and help make communities safe.”

– Kamala supports Defund the Police

   “I’m absolutely open to it.”

– Kamala supports expanding the SCOTUS

   “Let me just be really clear about this. I’m opposed to
any policy that would deny in our country any human
being from access to public safety, public education,
or public health — period.”

– Kamala supports universal healthcare and public education for illegal migrant

   “We do have to get to a place where it’s not so easy to block progress.”

– Kamala supports eliminating the filibuster

   “All these detention facilities; the private prisons; the
private detention facilities — they all need to be shut
down…This is the United States government doing
this. And immediately, on Day One, I will end it.”

– Kamala supports closing detention centers for illegal migrants

   “I would not make it a crime punishable by jail. It
should be a civil enforcement issue but not a criminal
enforcement issue.”

– Kamala supports more illegal immigration

   “For the workers in [fossil fuels] we have to encourage that those industries do better in terms of giving workers the ability to transition into the jobs of the future such as renewable energy.”

– Kamala supports an end to fossil fuels

   “We must have the courage to object when they use
that term ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ … We also have
to have the courage to reject that term ‘illegal alien.’ I
have seen some of the worst of criminal behavior, I
have seen the worst of crime. An undocumented
immigrant is not a criminal.”

– Kamala doesn’t want you to say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ or ‘illegal alien’


   “We must have the courage to stand up for our
immigrants, including ten million people living and
working in the shadows, with a genuine pathway to

– Kamala supports mass amnesty

   “My plan will separate your healthcare from your
employer, meaning your employer will no longer
dictate the kind of healthcare you receive. Under my
plan of Medicare for All, private insurance companies will be able to provide coverage if they play by our rules.”

– Kamala supports Medicare for All and the end of employer-based health insurance

   “Let’s eliminate all that; let’s move on.”

– Kamala supports eliminating private insurance

   “They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in
November and they’re not gonna stop after Election
Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels
— they’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And
we should not.”

– Kamala supported riots in the wake of George
Floyd’s death

   “I think that [AOC] is challenging the status quo — I think that’s fantastic. I think that she’s introducing bold ideas that should be discussed. I think that’s good for the Party and good for the country.”

– Kamala thinks AOC is fantastic

   “We have a problem in America. We can talk about
the amount of sugar in everything. We can talk about
soda — we can go on and on.”

– Kamala supports controlling your diet

   “I’m prepared to take executive action and put in
place a ban on the importation of assault weapons …
But we still have to deal with over two million assault
weapons that are currently on the streets of America.
So, a buyback program is a good idea.”

– Kamala supports a weapons ban and buyback

   “It’s a term we’re very proud of, I must tell you
because Bidenomics is working — it’s working!”

– Kamala supports failed Bidenomics policies

   “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

– Kamala supports a fracking ban

   “I think we should have that conversation.”

– Kamala, when asked if prisoners like the Boston Marathon bomber and sex offenders should be able to vote


   “He is going to be fine. Let me say this: he is fine. He is one of the most energetic and bold leaders that you could meet. I work with the president every day. I’ve been in the Oval Office when he gets calls for world leaders who call him for advice…We have in Joe Biden a president that has performed work that is transformative for our nation.”

   “He is extraordinarily smart, he can see around every

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