My wonderful husband, Rick Rose, wrote a “From the Editor” article at the front of this issue. It was aimed at the Independents, Demoidiots and Undecided voters. My article is to give people more factual information when discussing this mess our country has become. You will be able to have intelligent answers this way instead of the Democratic answers as follows. (I know we all are so busy and don’t have time to research or even get to watch the news so I thought I could help you catch up.)

   Demoidiot Answers…

   1. Orange man bad.
   2. Trump lies.
   3. My favorite, Uhnt uh!

   Things Kamala has promised she will do, some of these on the first day in office.

   1) Close down all detainment facilities at the border.
   2) Ban fracking.
   3) Ban assault weapons, initiate a “buy back” program. (Which is ridiculous because we didn’t buy them from her in the first place and she is using American tax payer money to “buy them back.”)
   4) Make it not illegal to be an illegal.
   5) Give 1st generation home buyers $25,000 for a downpayment on a house. (1st generation? You know what that means, you have to be a Non-American, illegal to qualify.) Wow, the illegal aliens already get debit cards, free housing, free healthcare, free education/including college, they are supplied with food, etc. etc. etc. and guess who is funding all of this, American taxpayers, and while a lot of us are struggling to just get by working more than one job, we don’t get any of this handed to us, rather we have to give our hard earned money to the illegals. A lot of these illegals are terrorists, murderers, rapists, human trafficers, over 50,000 Chinese soldiers, whole gangs of VERY violent thugs, etc.

   Do our veterans, elderly, or any Americans get all of this handed to us? NO!

   3 more things Kamala wants to do.

   1) Free sex changes for any illegal that is detained at the border.
   2) Free sex changes for anyone while in prison.
   3) Free sex changes for anyone in the military – ALL TAXPAYER FUNDED!

   Many families are struggling to feed their children but they still have taxes taken out of their paychecks to fund these kind of things.

   How do you think our veterans feel about funding the same terrorists that they fought so hard against to save our country? Some gave their arms, some gave their legs, some gave both, some have lifelong brain injuries, some lost their lives, some lost their families… and yet Kamala wants all of these terrorists to come to our country so the American taxpayer can give their money to them.

   Assault Weapons

   First off, THERE IS NO SUCH THING! AR does not stand for assault rifle. It stands for “Armalite Rifle,” It was named after the company that first

developed the AR-15 in the 1950’s. To show you how stupid the Demoidiots are, once again… When the man Biden wanted to head his ATF, during his hearing he was asked a couple questions about “assault rifles.” Then the questioner asked him to define what an “assault rifle” was. As we watched on national TV, the man that was picked to head the ATF said he didn’t
know the answer to that question. WOW, just WOW. He didn’t know what they were, yet wanted to ban them.

   During the Biden/Kamala reign, military soldiers were put in jail if they didn’t use the proper pronoun to fellow soldiers.

   During the Biden/Kamala reign, soldiers were punished if they dared to speak out against the disgusting Tranny shows on base.

   During the Biden/Kamala reign, the IRS was weaponized (literally, with handguns and also AR-15’s,) and once again, U.S. American taxpayers had to pay for the 87,000 new IRS agents not to mention the millions and millions of dollars spent on guns and ammunition, Yes, that’s right, the IRS
wants to know where every one of our pennies are earned and spent yet the billions and billions and billions of the dollars the government steals from us do not require an itemized list of whre they spend our money.

   During the Biden/Kamala reign, the Venezualan (and other countries) crime rate went WAY down. You know Why? BECAUSE THEIR CRIMINALS ARE ALL HERE!

   Stay vigilant citizens as all of these people are already here or on their way. Be aware of what is going on in your neighborhood, especially at night. Watch for squatters in empty houses. As a neighborhood group, let them know that crime will not be tolerated. Don’t just think that others will handle this for you. Get involved. Even one or two people to help watch your street is amazing help. Our own Walmart in Spring Branch has had incidences of men following women with children to their cars. If you are at any store, watch for this kind of behavior. If you see a women loading kids into a car by herself, stand back and watch. Just don’t act intimidating or stand and stare because this too, would scare her. We have to realize that
these are different times and like it or not, we need to start acting as such. Always be on the alert.

   One last thing. President Trump said he would be a dictator of sort on his first day. Only his first day! Not be a dictator from his first day on, as Kamala repeats.

   What he clarified he meant was…

   1) Shut the border down immediately.
   2) Start deporting the illegals involved in criminal behavior immediately.
   3) Start once again fracking.

Always here to inform,


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