President Joe Biden has a habit of going viral on social media for various behaviors caught on video, and it happened again this week at an event featuring U.S. military members.

   At a military movie screening in Norfolk, Va., on Monday, Biden is seen addressing the small crowd when he notices a young girl sitting nearby.

   As Biden began to walk towards her, he said, “I love your ears. I love ’em, they’re really cool.”

   After asking her name, Biden then asks, “How old are you, 17?” Her brother, sitting nearby, immediately responds, “She’s 6!”

   Biden’s behavior got scorching reviews from social media users.

   RNC Research also mocked how Biden, during the same remarks, said to children, “I like kids better than people.”

   According to Fox News, Biden addressed service members at the “Friendsgiving” meal event, saying, “We have a lot of obligations as a government. We only have one truly sacred obligation, and that is to prepare those who we send into harm’s way, care for them and their families when they come home, and make sure they’re never forgotten.”

   He was also rapped for repeating a debunked claim about receiving an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy but turning it down.

   “By the way, I’m all Navy. But I was appointed… I was gonna go play [football] at the Naval Academy until I found out the other guys in the backfield were a guy named Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino,” Biden said at the event, which was held in a hangar.

   Fox added:

   In June, Biden told Air Force graduates he applied to the Naval Academy after graduating high school, which was in 1961. Last year, the president told Naval Academy graduates he was “appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.” A Republican-linked X account “RNC Research” asserted that there is no record of either of those things ever happening.

   The media has consistently downplayed and softened Biden’s decades-long history of falsehoods. This trend was recently highlighted by a New York Times report that used euphemisms like “folklore” stories with “factual edges shaved off” to describe outright fabrications and lies.

   “The Times finally discovered Biden’s trouble with the truth on Tuesday but was widely mocked for using mealy-mouthed language in the report,” Fox News noted in an October 2022 story.

   The Times highlighted instances where Biden has made false statements, including falsely claiming to be “raised in the Puerto Rican community at home,” providing inaccuracies about his academic record, fabricating details of his life story, falsely stating he was arrested while protesting civil rights, making a false claim about being arrested in South Africa, incorrectly stating that he pinned a Silver Star on a Navy captain, and misrepresenting the timeline of his Amtrak ride to visit his sick mother, among other things.

   The report also mentioned other questionable stories that Biden has told, such as the claim of confronting a gang leader named “Corn Pop” in the 1960s.

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