The government is pushing this green new deal on us and a major part of this is trying to force us to buy electric vehicles. The people that are actually fooled into thinking electric vehicles are good for the earth are ignorant fools! How much research did they do before their dumbass purchase? No, your electric vehicle does not run on unicorn breath and fairy dust.

   Actually, it runs on the backs of children as young as 4 years old that are forced into hard labor. Human rights abuses in the DRC,(Democratic Republic of the Congo) power the global trade in cobalt. Cobalt, used in Lithium Ion Batteries that power electric vehicles comes from mines where children as young as 4 years old work in perilous conditions. These children are forced to work 24-hour shifts carrying bags of rocks through rough, man-made tunnels risking permanent lung damage. These tunnels collapse often and the “tiny miners” are just left for dead while a new tunnel is built. If they do survive the day they have to wash these rocks with their bare, little hands which leads to skin infections and fatal illnesses. The popularity of electric vehicles is leading to the increased demand for more forced child (and adult) labor. Although illegal, this doesn’t stop it one bit. These mostly, Chinese-owned mines are not being held accountable for the abusive use of young children.

   If this isn’t enough to stop ignorant fools from listening to our Obama/Biden Nazi Regime let me continue with more information on how these green new deal electric vehicles are destroying the Earth.

   The whole process of mining cobalt is in itself destructive to the earth, and not only that but uses tremendous amounts of water, so much so that this mining process creates deserts. I guess the people that live in these regions don’t deserve water, To Hell with them. The millions of old batteries now have to be

dealt with. These old batteries are sent to incineration plants, Yes, here in the United States. The incineration of these batteries releases fatal toxins into the air and ends up in our ground waters. The batteries that don’t go to incineration plants are put into our landfills where these toxins leak directly into our ground waters. A growing pile of hazardous waste.

   Let’s get to the Biden role in all of this. In 2016, An investment firm, founded by Hunter Biden with several Chinese partners was cut into a complex 3.8 Billion dollar transaction that transferred 80% of Congo’s Tenke Fungurum mine from an American company to Beijing-backed China Molybdenum. Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (John Kerry’s stepson) worked together to form Rosemont Seneca Partners. This company merged with a Chinese government-linked firm. Wonder now why our Obama/Biden Nazi Regime is pushing the electric vehicle business, It’s not to save the earth with this fake “Green New Deal” load of crap, It’s because the Bidens are raking in the money by the millions and millions and millions! And of course 3 of the Lithium stocks are getting a huge boost from the Biden Presidency. Also, Lithium is also mined here in the United States… California, Nevada, and Oregon so our country is also being destroyed by this mining process. Elon Musk and Biden know All about all of this information and they don’t give a shit at all!

   This Nazi Regime Does give a shit about these electric vehicles though. They can control when you can charge them by just implementing rolling blackouts and California has already started this. Does it make sense for the government to ask us to conserve electricity while pushing us to buy electric vehicles? No, it doesn’t. It’s all about the government having control over us. Making travel difficult is all part of the country’s lock down plan.

   OH, and did you hear about the couple that bought a brand new $80,000 electric truck? They wanted to do a trip hauling their car and trailer on a 2,700-mile trip. They had to stop every 100 miles to charge their $80,000 electric truck. Yep, 27 stops to charge on a 2,700-mile trip!

   So No…Electric vehicles DO NOT Save the Earth and NO they don’t run on Unicorn Breath and Fairy Dust!

   Always Here to inform you,


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