You know there is so much crap going on in this world and in the United States at the moment I don’t know where to start. I wake up everyday and it’s something new, Too much crazy shit each and every day. So go along with me here as I may jump around a bit.

   President Trump came into office January of 2017, All the Democrats and the Fake News Media could talk about was Donald Trump will start a war, his attitude to them was too loud and outspoken, All I heard was “He will start a war somewhere,” Well, He didn’t. As a matter of fact he was the first President in seven decades that did not have any type of war or military conflict at all. You know why? Beause he was very forceful, Yes, Very outspoken and rightfully he was powerful but yet peaceful, But no one else anywhere in the world knew what he might or would do. They where unaware of what he might or might not do.They where afraid of him. So what happened around the world? Nothing but Peace.

   Well that is what this country needs is a powerful, strong yet peaceful leader. The Democrats hate America and the Fake News Mainstream Media has their back to propagate this hate. What I hear anytime a Democrat talks is “MAGA Republican this” and “MAGA Republican that.” They don’t
even know what MAGA stands for and should not be in office in this country at any level. This Joe Biden administration, which is Barack Obama’s 3rd term administration, is the most racist administration this country has ever had. Obama is a Muslim, He put in place during his first two terms a large Muslum community of many thousands of imigrants in Minnesota, That state has always had a large muslim community but with his help in immigrating over 180,000 more is what elected Ilhan Omar to the Minnesota state House of Representatives from 2017 to 2019 and then on to U.S. Congress in 2019. This American and of course Jew hating Muslim does not need to be in any kind of government office in this country. As well as the rest of the “Squad” members, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, the dumb ass bartender Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, that Nancy Pelosi got elected to Congress back in 2018, All this took place with the help and mindmap of Barack Obama and all during the Donald Trump administration. You see he never went home like most presidents do after their terms have expired. He remained in Washington D.C. to complete what he had set up during his two terms in office and of course expecting that Hillary Clinton would take over the next term to continue on with the Democrat agenda of destroying America. But what happened? Donald J. Trump was elected, So Obama had to scamper to quickly embed a darker deep state into the existing government in his last two months after the November 2016 election.

   Both China and Palestinians have invaded and indoctrinated into our Liberal education system for years, This should never have been permitted but it has because of the liberal operations of the U.S. teachers unions and the liberal foundation in 85% of America’s colleges. That is why today you see Gen Z students with no common sense as they have been indoctrinated into this liberal ideology. They believe that right now Israel is committing atrocities and genocide. You know why? Because they have not been educated about the Holocaust, to them it never happened. That part of history has been deleted from their education process. That’s why you see thousands of students out there defending the Palestinians and accusing Israel of genocide. There actually is no such country as Palestine, It has never been recognized. In 1917 during World War I Britain issued what was known as the Balfour Declaration and later in 1920 became the British mandate, sharing land between Israel and Palestinians. There has always been fighting there because Israel is a very small, very religious, and powerful country surrounded by larger All Muslim countries That don’t believe in the same Religious Ideology of Israel and that all want them dead and wiped off the face of the earth. It was the British mandated areas of
what we would call today The Gaza Strip to the Palestinian authority. It was just after the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006 that elections were held and Hamas was elected by the Palestinians as their governing authority. Hamas is nothing but a terrorist organization and legally considered that by the U.S. government. Hamas are brutal un-human beings, they chop off heads and kill babies.

   The October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas in relation to the size and population of Israel was 29 times larger than our Middle East Muslim attack on America on September 11th 2001. That is not something that can be accepted. Hamas must be contained and then destroyed. Israel must conquer and win or the war will continue on into the United States.

   You have been hearing these stupid ass Gen Z college idiots chanting “From the River to the Sea,” Just to take that into perspective, take a look at the map and you will see the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, Well that entire area is Israel, so they are chanting to wipe out that entire area and its inhabitants. Then to take a bigger perspective of why these idiotic and crazy protests are happening and why they have risen this large is because they have been prompted, promoted and paid for by Democrat Billionaire George Soros, a past Nazi himself and Barack Obama and the Democrat party. They all want Israel and all Jews exterminated. Isreal is surrounded by Muslim and Persian Terror Groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Talaban, Shitte Militia, Boko Haram, al-Qa’eda and many more of the 65-plus terrorist groups designated by the U.S. State Department as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs).

   Now that almost all of the Obama administrative staff has abandoned Joe Biden in his re-election year. He is left with no foreign policy and no knowledge or foresight of what to do and where to go. The entire world of leaders knows he’s a creepy goof and will just walk all over him. There is no respect for this country as it always has had.

   Joe Biden will just continue his progressive dreams of electric cars that most can’t afford, won’t drive far and blow up when they get wet, That the worst threat to our country is climate change and open borders to all forever, and buying gasoline from Muslim countries that hate us.

   Don’t listen to the administration or the main stream media when they tout illegal immigration at levels of 6 to 8 million, I have been watching this closely every day here on the Texas border for the last three years and my number counts are at a minimum of over 16 million and as much as 20 million illegal alien border crossings since January 2017. These aliens also comprise a large number of the 65 terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and Issis. Terrorists that not only hate Israel and the Jews but hate America. This will be a movie coming to your city soon but it won’t be on the Big Screen. It will be Live on stage. Staged in large cities across this country. They will make 9-11 look like a test run. They are and have been here just sleeping, possibly right next door to you, Not next door to me as we keep watch and keep our eyes wide open, and firearms cocked and loaded. We are always alert and talking to people.

   This entire country needs to wake up!

   More to come.

Until Next time,

Rick Rose

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