Well we have the lineup, The field and game plan is set. At least until it is finalized at the two political conventions. The Republicans on July 15-18, 2024 in Milwaukee, definitely no surprises, the Trumpster is in the house. The Democrats on August 19-22, 2024 in Chicago, I do not expect any surprise there either, “GoBrandon” will be the one, but you never know until the fat lady sings. Now today as of this writing it is now announced that there will be two Presidential debates scheduled for June 27th and September 10th, We will have to see if that comes to fruition and if Biden is mentally alive and able. There will be some uproar by paid professional protesters in Milwaukee against Donald J Trump but I don’t think to much, Just enough for the media and DNC to have something to cover and overshadow the event in the eye’s of the public. I’m surprised they actually chose Milwaukee as it is a notoriously Democrat city, an embarrassment to
Harley Davidson. A better choice could have been chosen, Like right here in Texas, But they need the local exposure to flip that pivotal swing state.

   Then there is Chicago for the Dems, “Obama City.” Guess why he never moved back there? Second reason is because it totally sucks and is a disaster of a city. First reason is because he had to remian in D.C. to run his third term as presidential puppet master with Joe Biden as the idiotic puppet. Just like he actually promised ahead of time, It’s on video, look it up, I can’t do all the heavy lifting for you.

   So Chicago, This lawless infastructure of a city will be insane, it will be demolished. Isn’t that what the idiots do, burn down their own neighborhoods just to make a point, even when they actually have no point, they just want free shit so loot the whole place. Then they realize they fucked up when they can’t go to the corner for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.

   Here’s a quick personal thought to half of America that would actually vote for the Left if any of them are reading this article, and I hope you are because I encourage you to email me your thoughts so I can try to understand your philosophy if you have one, It will for sure be interesting as well as hilarious. Just look at where this country is after a very short (but seemingly long) three and a half years. We have gone from the best years ever to a dumping ground in this short time. Under the Joe Biden Regime Ukraianians got over $200B, The Taliban got $1.1B, Congress got raises, Illegal Aliens got paid, healthcare, phones, etc. You got in return, “Bidenomics,” Open Borders, Free Crack pipes, a Fentanyl crisis, Medical tyranny, Several Wars (close to WWIII), Warrantless spying, Gasoline up 56%, Airfare up 38%, Electicity up 29%, Groceries up 21%, etc. Oh yeah, Israel got a kick in the ass from this Jew hating regime even with two of them in the administration, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Attorney General Merrick Garland, plus the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

   Then even on a local level of Democrat stupidity you have the Mayor of New York City Eric Adams saying in a press conference because of a shortage of city lifeguards that he should be able to hire illegal aliens as NYC public pool lifeguards (and of course with no background checks or
ID’s) because they are good swimmers, I think he means because he thinks they swam into the U.S. across the Rio Grand River.

   You Know What I Think about that? I think that is comparable to hiring a shortage of UPS drivers with illegal alien drug smugglers because they do such a good job of delivering fatal fetanyl into the country!

   This United States of America is Totally Upside Down. These “Kids” are incredibly stupid. College Kids without brains. I say “kids” but I’m talking 22 to 28 years old, In my day we were kids at 12 to 15 years old, and more sense then they have now, I was a working adult at 16 to 17 years old. You are looking at kids (Idiots who should be adults) dressing up with rags on their heads and masks on their faces just speaking and chanting the words they were paid to say and don’t even know what they mean. Actually half of the protesters in these colleges aren’t even students there, they are paid professionals, paid for by George Soros (a Nazi) and others to do his will and bring down this country.

   We should not even have Jew hating, America hating rag heads in our congressional government as we do. This was started and has all been put in place back at the beginning of the “Obama America Reset” back in 2008. Anybody, even American citizens that want to spew hate for this country need to be deported to another country of their choice, They will probably like it better and be much happier.

   We don’t need Americans here that want to hate and defy this country. This country is already embedded with with Taliban, Hamas and other terror groups from our three and a half years of open and unprotected borders. Terror cells are already seated and waiting for the right time do the damage they were sent here for. We also have a full Scale Chinese Military embedded here within the U.S. that has been built up over the last 15 years but has extremely grown in size since the open border catastrophy. More on this later as this is only a one page article, You can keep updated daily between articles on current news, happenings and commentary at https://BikerPoliticalReport.com, sign up for the newletter for updates.

   More to Come, RR

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