I read this book and was angered by the
devastation the government has done to our
military, and continues to do at an alarming
rate. It started awhile back slowly but Pete says
Obama really was the one that put this plan into
warp speed. Of course we all know that Biden is
merely Obama’s puppet.

   Before I go further let me give you a bit of information about Pete Hegseth and what he has seen on battlefields and off of them. The following is written on the back, inside cover of his book….

   Pete Hegseth is a Husband, Father, Patriot, and Christian. He is the cohost of Fox & Friends Weekend, America’s number one cable morning show, and he has hosted Fox Nation documentaries, A graduate of both Princeton and Harvard (but he mailed that one back), He is the New York Times bestselling author of “In The Arena,” “American Crusade,” “Modern Warriors,” and “Battle for the American Mind.” Pete is an Army Veteran of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, and he has earned two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantry – Man Badge for his time overseas. Pete and his wife Jenny, Live in middle Tennessee and have seven children – all of whom they pray will grow up to be warriors for god and country.

   Pete believes in what the military used to be known for, that military leadership that fiercely preserves the core purpose of the military and political leaders who don’t treat the 101st Airborn like Harvard University. “Our troops are fighters, not gender studies freshmen.” Which our horrible woke military leaders at the White House and such don’t understand. “Radical leftists have captured nearly every American institution; Universities, Corporations, Media, Hollywood, Social Media, K-12 Public Schools, The Federal Bureaucracy, and even most Mainline Churches.”

   Their goal was stated very clearly by Barack Obama when he said you don’t “fundamentally transform” something or someone you love; You transform something you disdain.

   As Mark Levin recently documented, the Democrat Party really does Hate America, our constitution, our flag, our faith and our creeds.

   Pete states that the shoehorning of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), critical race theory (CRT), feminism, genderism, safetyism, climate worship, manufactured “violent extremism,” straight up weirdo shit, and a grab bag of social justice causes that infect today’s fighting force have nothing to do with making our military more capable.

   Pete goes on to say “if I had a white supremacist or racist in my infantry platoon I could, and would kick them out. It would be my duty and my pleasure to do it. But I didn’t have to, because it wasn’t an issue. I served with black, brown, and white soilders. All I ever saw was Army Green.”

   Onto another aspect of this subject, Distraction. Distraction kills soilders! Pete: The army I know, the army we need, should be focused on the outcomes. On forging individuals.

   On building teams. On shared missions. On winning battles. On winning wars. On outcomes. Anything that doesn’t accomplish the mission is just a distraction. And in war, distractions get people killed.

   A man who has a feeling toward a female and acts differently in combat-gets people killed. A women who can’t do the same job as a man in combat-gets people killed. A “trans” soldier who doesn’t have their meds in combat is ineffectiveand gets people killed. A competent, experienced white soldier who leaves the army because he’s been told he’s the problem-gets people killed. Likewise, a black or female soldier who gets promoted, primarily because of the color of their skin or the genitalia between their legs-gets people killed.

   A study on post-surgery-transitioned “soldiers” (trannys) would be non-deployable for 238 days or 34 weeks. When President Trump found this out he promptly banned transgender “soldiers” from serving. Oh, but here comes Biden. He not only reversed this policy but it waived 300 days for postop transgenders but also allowed for DOD hospitals to cover laser hair removal, voice feminization surgery, and genital surgery. They waived grooming standards for the trannys as well as uniform standards for them. Then they waived the standard that previously disqualified first-term elective surgery. This change to the standards meant that men & women could join the military for the express purpose of transitioning, be non-deployable for a year, and take life-altering hormone therapy that would mean they would non-deployable unless the military could guarantee the supply of medication (you know in some shithole country.) Yes, Your tax dollars pay for mentally unstable boys to become “girls,” chop off their body parts, then sit out of training for a year, pay for ongoing medical treatments, and demand everyone call you a new name. By the time they transition, their 3 year enlistment is up and because they are “medical,” and not available for training the entire time, they hardly served a day in the field artillery. “Look out China!”….Pete says, our military can’t be the trained, in shape collective unit with all of this bullshit!

   Some soldiers complained that instead of going to classes on survivor skills, those classes would be cancelled and they would be made to sit through hours of woke DEI, CRT classes.

   In West Point, at the time of Biden entering office, one recent graduate told of how he would have to sit through lecture after lecture, mandatory, about woke bullshit like CRT, “white rage” where only blacks were allowed to speak. While President Trump was in office they would outright show hostility towards the president. All those ideas were also included in class, and all of this was pushed out fully by both civilian professors and pentagon leaders. Pete was told that even the superintendents office was always tuned to CNN or MSNBC; Fox News was not allowed!

   West Point wasn’t the only military academy facing a new DOD interpretation of what domestic enemies looked like. The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs was right there with West Point. An op-ed published in the Washington Examiner in June 2023 was written by an airman at the air force academy so afraid of retaliation from his superior officers that he used the pseudonym “Evan Smith.”

   He explained that “during a DEI briefing,” Airman got a lecture on how they should not refer to our parents as “Mom & Dad” because it was divisive language because everyone might not have a mom and dad.

   What else could be going on? To his regret, He can’t say, because “after media exposure”- that is to say, Fox News reporting-”all DEI training is being presented as controlled unclassified information” and airmen were worried that if they revealed “these trainings to outside sources, we could face prison time.”

   So it’s not about the training. It’s about NOT allowing the American media, meaning the American public, to see that training.

   If you want to read another maddening move Joe Freaking Biden did January 30th 2021 – just ten days after being sworn in, read pages 218 and 219 of Pete’s book. Read how Biden and his new secretary of defense suspend the BOV (Board of Visitors.) Then, in a drastic purge, all Donald Trump – appointed BOV members were told to resign or be fired by close of business September 8th, 2021.

   Everything in my article I learned from Pete Hegseth’s book. I reccommend you read this book with all my heart. There is just so much going on behind U.S. American backs. I want to Thank Pete Hegseth for writing this book and his other books. He is a True Patriot and will do anything to save our constitution.

   “The beginning of the end of the war on warriors starts here – Don’t miss this war either.”

   – Pete Hegseth

   Always Here To Inform,


   You can read all Lincoln’s articles at, RiderandMusicNews.com and BikerPoliticalReport.com

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