Most Georgia voters believe that the prosecution of former President Donald Trump by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is unfair.

   According to a recent telephone and online survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports and The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson, 56% of likely Georgia voters believe Willis is unfairly prosecuting Trump, with 39% saying they believe this to be the case.

   Around 37% of respondents do not believe that Willis is unfairly prosecuting Trump, including 28% who believe this to be Very Unlikely. A majority of Georgia voters also said they have concerns about the integrity of elections in their state.

   A majority of Georgia voters (52%) think it’s likely that fraud influenced the outcome of the state’s 2020 presidential election, with 30% saying it’s extremely likely that it did.

   Roughly 35%, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely, do not believe that fraud affected the 2020 Georgia election. 13% more people are unsure.

   53 percent of Georgia voters support calling a special session of the legislature to prevent Willis from bringing charges against Trump, with 37 percent strongly supporting the idea. A special legislative session to halt the prosecution of Trump in Fulton County would be opposed by 38% of respondents, 30% of whom would Strongly Oppose it.

   Below are some other key findings from the Rasmussen Reports/Absolute Truth poll of Georgia’s Likely Voters:

– If Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp publicly opposed the Fulton County DA’s prosecution of Trump, 36% of voters say it would make them more likely to vote for Kemp in the future, while 33% say it would make them less likely to vote for Kemp and 24% say it wouldn’t make much difference. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of the state’s Republican voters would be more likely to vote for Kemp if he came out publicly against Willis’s prosecution of Trump.

– Fifty-five percent (55%) of Georgia voters believe it is likely that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in their state, including 27% who say it’s Very Likely. Seventy percent (70%) of Republicans in Georgia think cheating is at least somewhat likely to affect next year’s election outcome, as do 44% of Democrats and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

– Forty-five percent (45%) of Georgia voters approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, including 26% who Strongly Approve. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove of Biden’s performance as president, including 43% who Strongly Disapprove. Biden’s job approval is 80% among Democrats and 66% among black voters in Georgia, while 84% of Republicans and 64% of whites disapprove of Biden’s job performance.


– Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Georgia voters have a favorable impression of Trump, including 34% with a Very Favorable opinion. Forty-one percent (41%) view Trump unfavorably, including 33% with a Very Unfavorable impression of the former president. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Georgia Republicans view Trump at least somewhat favorably.

– If the 2024 election were held today, Trump would win Georgia by a nine-point margin, with 47% to Joe Biden’s 38%.

– Fifty-one percent (51%) believe the Georgia legislature should use its oversight authority to investigate Willis, while 34% are opposed to such an investigation, and 14% are not sure.

   In a serious blow to DA Willis, Judge Scott McAfee ruled last week that Trump would not be compelled to stand trial in October alongside co-defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, who put forward a ‘speedy-trial’ motion.

   Reports this week noted that McAfee severed both Chesebro and Powell from Trump and the remaining sixteen defendants.

   The ruling is considered a massive blow to the prosecution of Trump, whose team has now waived any right to a speedy trial motion and furthermore filed several motions to dismiss the charges against the 45th President and Republican 2024 frontrunner.

   Kyle Becker, host of the Relentless Podcast, shared ABC News reporting via X, formerly known as Twitter, that featured quotes such as “This is not a good day for the Fulton County DA.”

   “Fani Willis wasn’t there, but you got to imagine… she’s throwing things against the wall based on this hearing,” ABC News Executive Editorial Producer John Santucci told audiences.

   He added that the ruling is “a great win for Donald Trump and others that did not want to be part of this speedy trial case.”

   “I can tell you, sitting here with you, just texting with some of the attorneys involved in the other defendants, celebrating ‘Yay, victory!’” Santucci added.

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