President Joe Biden is becoming increasingly “angry and anxious” about the upcoming election, where he will most likely face off in a rematch against former President Donald Trump.

   The report went on to note that things have become so chaotic regarding the upcoming election that several people familiar with the incident have said Biden angrily lashed out at advisers and staffers during a closed-door meeting in January after being told he was lagging behind Trump in Georgia and Michigan.

   “President Joe Biden was seething,” NBC’s Peter Nicholas, Courtney Kube, and Carol E. Lee wrote on Sunday. “In a private meeting at the White House in January, allies of the president had just told him that his poll numbers in Michigan and Georgia had dropped over his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

   “Both are battleground states he narrowly won four years ago, and he can’t afford any backsliding if he is to once again defeat Donald Trump. He began to shout and swear, a lawmaker familiar with the meeting said. He believed he had been doing what was right, despite the political fallout, he told the group, according to the lawmaker,” the report said.

   White House spokesman Andrew Bates noted of the January incident: “President Biden makes national security decisions based on the country’s national security needs alone — no other factor.”

   Breitbart News responded to the report and Bates’ comments:

   But whatever spin the White House and Biden’s campaign puts on the situation, the facts are clear: Biden is losing this election right now. Biden has only fallen worse since January. Polls across nearly every battleground state show former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024 and Biden’s general election opponent, leading the current president significantly.

   What’s more, Biden campaign officials this weekend elevated yet another fake attack on Trump, claiming Trump was calling for a “bloodbath” in America if he does not win in November. Biden’s campaign and top Democrats and their establishment media allies have used the term that Trump used at a campaign rally in Ohio this weekend to describe what would happen to the auto industry should Biden win as a bludgeon to bluntly push their contrived narrative that Trump represents a threat to democracy.

   Things have gone from bad to worse for Biden in recent weeks.

   In an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University  poll, Trump defeated Biden 40 percent to 38 percent, drawing a near-tie in a volatile electorate as the candidates get underway.

   A sizable portion of voters were dissatisfied with their options and receptive to being convinced, according to the first USA TODAY survey conducted since the two candidates secured their presidential nominations.

   “Nearly eight months out, the election is not set yet. One in four of those surveyed said they might change their minds before November. That unsettled sentiment was bipartisan, including 14% of Biden voters and 15% of Trump voters,” USA Today reported.

   The outlet added: “Most of those now backing a third-party candidate said they were open to changing their minds, among them 75% of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supporters and 94% of Jill Stein supporters. That signals the potential erosion that independent candidates often see as Election Day nears. It also provides a big opportunity for each major-party candidate to make his case to voters who are now reluctant to support him and to convince those voters that it would be dangerous or unwise to back the other guy.”

   Concerns about immigration (24%) and challenges to democracy (23%) trailed closely behind voters’ rankings of inflation and the economy, which accounted for 29% of their vote.

   Abortion was the only other topic to reach double digits, coming in at 10%. Climate change was also way down the list of concerns.

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