Gilbert, Arizona police have uncovered disturbing social media messages exchanged between teenage suspects involved in a violent attack nearly a year before a separate assault on Preston Lord outside a Halloween party in Queen Creek. The initial incident occurred on December 30, 2022, when 17-year-old Conor Jarnagan was ambushed and beaten with brass knuckles outside an In-N-Out in Gilbert. Jarnagan reported being confronted by a group of individuals who demanded money, leading to a physical altercation where he was struck in the head with what felt like a metal object.

   According to police documents, after the attack, the suspects were said to have boasted about the assault and discussed forming an official gang, as well as contemplating a “cop-killing spree.” The conversations, which took place over Snapchat, revealed a disturbing mindset among the individuals involved, with one suspect expressing a desire to cause harm by asking for extra knuckles to inflict serious injuries on others.

   The group’s discussions also included plans to avoid certain locations to evade detection by law enforcement, indicating a level of awareness about potential consequences for their actions. The individuals even went as far as changing their group chat name to “The Streets” and discussing becoming an official gang. Gilbert police became aware of this information in 2023, following a series of reported cases of teen violence in the area.

   As the investigation unfolded, it was revealed that the same group of suspects had been involved in multiple violent incidents, prompting concerns about missed opportunities to prevent further harm. The pressure on Gilbert police intensified following the tragic death of Preston Lord in another group assault, leading to a reexamination of past cases and additional arrests in teen violence cases.

   In response to the growing concern over teen violence, Gilbert police reported a significant increase in arrests related to such incidents since January 2024, demonstrating a proactive approach to addressing the issue. The Jarnagan family expressed disappointment and alarm after reviewing the police report, highlighting the need for justice to be served in each case and advocating for stricter measures, such as a ban on brass knuckles, to prevent future attacks.

   The disturbing revelations contained in the social media messages exchanged by the teenage suspects shed light on the challenges faced by law enforcement in addressing youth violence and the need for greater vigilance in identifying and addressing potential threats. The ongoing efforts to hold the perpetrators accountable and prevent future incidents underscore the importance of community collaboration and proactive policing in maintaining public safety.

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