When I did my research for this article, two of the many places I either read or listened to were Glenn Beck and Whitney Webb. Glenn Beck spoke of political terrorism and Whitney Webb wrote one of her major tomes “One Nation Under Blackmail.” Whitney’s writings of Epstein’s cohort, Ghislaine Maxwell, were extremely interesting. Ghislaine is the daughter of Robert Maxwell who was known for selling bugged software to nuclear sites and had close ties to China, Russia, and Iran. Mr. Maxwell never paid any attention to Ghislaine until his much loved and cherished son died. He then put all of his attention on his daughter and she was forced to live a much controlled and regimented life. He wanted his daughter to marry into powerful families such as the Kennedys. So when Mr Maxwell died she slipped easily into the role of Epstein’s partner as she was groomed by her father to be under strict control. Epstein worked for China by secretly filming and recording famous and powerful people on his island of perversion. This is what Whitney writes about partly in her book “One Nation Under Blackmail.”

   China has many, many ways of controlling America’s politicians and many other people in positions of power and control, such as Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, the FBI, the DOJ, etc. By blackmailing them… Well, for one, Glenn Beck describes another way of control by China and our government (which the 2 seem to be synonymous these days.) Political terrorism is a different type of control, it is electronic attacks and blackmail. They simply plant stuff on your phone that can and will destroy you, your family, and your career if you choose not to comply. Everyone in some form of power right now is being blackmailed one way or another, and this is how China is running the idiots in this Democratic-run administration. The higher-ups are allowed to thrive and amass millions as long as they are working for China’s benefit, take for example China being allowed to buy up millions of acres of land near military bases and American ranch and farmland, and food processing plants. China bought major companies such as Smithfield Farms, and guess what, they are now shutting them down so a major food source is being devastated. Bill Gates, one of the many higher-ups with control and a frequent flier to the Epstein island of perversion is one of the
largest owners of private land in the USA. He has bought up a ton of farm and ranch lands. Oh yes, Bill Gates, you know, the guy that doesn’t want us to be eating meat. What do you think he will be doing with the land? I guarantee you it won’t be used for raising cattle and other livestock to feed America. This land will not be used to grow any form of food unless the direction of what China allows it.

   This new “Chicken Flu” has the smell of China all over it. What better way to kill off another major food source for Americans than to manufacture a chicken flue so our chickens and eggs will be forced to be destroyed? You know, just like the Covid virus China manufacture. Let’s also consider the 10,000 or so cows that suddenly “froze to death” all at once last year. Or let’s consider the multiple fires that burned down our food processing plants last year, a coincidence, I think not.

   We haven’t even covered yet, the many other ways we are being controlled by our government (China.) Before I get into the major control by lockdowns I want to bring up a very, terrifying form of control that will be brought to us courtesy of Mr Elon Musk. Brain chips. Musk has been working on the development of brain chips. Even though these chips have killed many, many monkeys in the trials to test them out, The trial tests have now moved into humans being tested. These chips are meant to be able to control your emotions and also to allow your brain to be more susceptible to control by feeding you propaganda. Hey, maybe this could be the answer as to why the dumbass Democrats follow blindly their cartoon networks! Elon Musk is being praised because of his clean-up of Twitter but let’s not forget he is the king of electric vehicles. Naming his company after Nikola Tesla absolutely breaks my heart. Tesla intended his discoveries and inventions to benefit mankind. He never took a penny from his brilliant work and would be horrified to see how this electric vehicle push is destroying the Earth with the horrific cobalt/lithium mines. Musk knows exactly how cobalt/lithium mines destroy the Earth, he knows these mines are run by slave labor with children as young as four years old, and he also knows how the recycling plants for the old batteries emit toxic, fatal fumes into the air and ground waters. So No, Mr Musk isn’t Mr Wonderful nor does he have empathy for any of mankind. If you want to read more about this topic, check out my past articles in Texas Rider and Music News Magazine (you can access them on our website.)

   Let’s get into the “control by lock-down” part of my article. Of course, everyone knows of the Covid or actual physical lockdown so let’s start there.

Number 1 – Physical Lock-down

   We all know by now that Covid lockdowns had nothing to do with Covid. They were put in place to keep us from gathering and sharing information. They were also another way to divide and conquer us by pitting the mask wearers or “sheep” against us with brains that actually think for us. The lockdowns also pitted neighbor against neighbor by encouraging us to snitch on each other all in the name of “doing good.” Also, by locking us down many American’s lost their homes and places of business. Daycares and schools were shut down so one parent had to stay home with the children and homeschool them. Landlords weren’t allowed to collect rent so many of their properties went into foreclosure. Well guess who swooped up a vast majority of these properties and land, you guessed it, China, like a vulture waiting for its prey to finally die. China also had a hand in the fires deliberately set in California and Australia I believe. Firefighters found tons of evidence of firebombs being set, so much so that some areas were deemed too dangerous for firefighters to even approach. Guess who bought properties destroyed by these fires, Yep, China. California would make a great place for Chinese naval bases. Hey, let’s send Antifa and BLM up to Oregon and Washington to destroy their major cities so that property can be bought up, also. (just like cities in California are purposely being destroyed.) Look what happened in Australia when the fires destroyed their country. Total control by the lockdown. Of course, they had to take their guns away first but that is a whole different subject. Just read your history books to find out what happened to every single country that was forced to give up their guns.

Number 2 – Military Lock-downs

   The weakening of our military. Every soldier that refused to take the Covid shot was kicked out. (and no it isn’t a vaccine even by CDC standards, so the CDC is now changing their standards just so the shot can be called a vaccine.)

   Another way to deplete our armed forces is to punish them and destroy their careers by kicking them out for not using the proper pronoun. The brave men and women (and No, there aren’t any other genders, I don’t care what the BLTs say,) are putting their lives on the line for us Americans. Some come home missing body parts and permanent brain damage and some don’t come home at all. But, Oh Yes, Let’s kick them to the curb because some guy that “identifies” as a girl was referred to as “He.” I don’t give a rat’s ass what you refer to me as when you are fighting for our country. These woke bunch of lazy, sissy, cowards can Go Suck It!

Number 3 – Vehicle Lock-downs

   This Demoidiot administration is trying to force us to go to total electric vehicles, even farm equipment and such. Of course, this has not one damn thing to do with saving the earth. Hell, the ‘green new deal” doesn’t even have anything to do with saving the earth. It only is meant to line the pockets of the corrupt, China-controlled Bidens, Pelosis, Schumers, Faucis, etc. This vehicle lock-down is to control when we can charge our vehicles and hinder travel abilities, it is ridiculous to try to drive long distances (or run farm equipment for 24 hours at a time which is a must during harvest season) because of large amounts of time you are forced to spend just sitting there for hours waiting for your car to be charged. Don’t even get me into the chaotic trip it is when towing anything. One couple bought an $80,000 truck and wanted to drive it across the country towing their car. I don’t recall the exact amount of time it took for them to drive but I think it was about 3 weeks. So anyways, the next time this administration wants us to stay locked down, they will simply shut off the electricity.

Number 4 – Lock-down of a Right to Education

   The dumbing down of our children from preschool to college students by spending more time and money on gender equality and disgusting and perverted tranny shows for tiny children than actual real educational classes such as math, science, reading, and history. Education isn’t the focus any longer, rather indoctrination, and when this doesn’t work they will simply shut down the schools once again.

   Children and teachers alike are bullied or fired for refusing to use the proper gender or to teach pornographic lessons, parents are being refused access to what their children are learning, and even arrested for speaking out at a school board meeting. This administration wants total control of our children to indoctrinate them. The dumbing down of America makes it so much easier for China to take control, (Tik-Tok is an example.)

Number 5 – Financial Lock-down

   This administration wants absolute control of where your money is spent. Banks are being told to report any transactions of $600. or more. Did you know that the IRS is focusing on low-income families? Why? Because they don’t have the ability to hire a tax attorney and fight back. This is just another tactic to take away citizens’ money and property. How about the 87,000 New IRS agents they not only hired but weaponized them with guns all while wanting to take our guns away? We can begin to imagine what this administration has planned and it sounds a lot like war.

Number 6 – Brain Lock-down

   I covered this subject at the beginning of this article with Elon Musk’s brain chip that makes people more susceptible to propaganda. This also includes the indoctrination of our children.

Number 7 – Food Lock-downs

    This was also covered earlier in this article, But to reiterate, China is doing everything it can to not only control every part of our food industry but to poison our people and pets alike with everything they send over here. Pets are dying daily by eating treats and food from China. Did you hear that China recently bought Purina? Even products like vitamins that are labeled “Made in the USA” can be getting their ingredients from China and other countries. The research we have to do anymore to keep from being poisoned is ridiculous.

Number 8 – Lock-down of Border Defense

   Terrorists, gangs, cartels, human traffickers, and drug smugglers are coming into our country by the millions. The count is around 10 million since Biden took office (or should I say Obama’s puppet.) Our border patrol, ICE, and others are punished or fired for doing their jobs. Countries are emptying out their prisons and sending them to America. More governors need to declare an “Invasion of State” and then actually enforce the laws that already exist. Texas has been taking the brunt of this illegal immigration. We have had children kidnapped and raped, homes burnt to the ground just for the hell of it, cattle and other livestock killed for no reason, illegals with no driver’s licenses driving drunk and killing people, and homes and businesses being robbed at gunpoint, the vehicle is stolen at an extremely high volume, Sheriffs of small towns are having trouble keeping up with the high volume of crime and diseases of every variety imaginable are just gushing across the border, But Oh Yes, by all means, Americans are forced to take the shot or lose their job, just not the illegals, this is just another tactic to destroy our beautiful country.

   Did you hear that the dumbass Whoopi Goldberg said right on national television that since Texas has shipped illegals to New York, then Texas should pay to support them? Really? Freaking Really? Isn’t Whoopi and her idiot Democrats the ones that want the border open, and isn’t New York a sanctuary city? But I guess all of us border states are supposed to fund and deal with this all-out invasion on our own!

Number 9 – Lock-down of Police to do their Duty

    This is actually a lockdown of our right to protection from our own country. Every single Demoidiot-run city is in extreme chaos right now. Murder rates are skyrocketing, burglary is simply commonplace and the police aren’t even allowed to chase them or arrest them. Why would they anyways… the criminals will be let out on the streets to rob and murder within minutes. Police also have their hands tied by enforcing this stupid equity training, and speaking of equity, how about your little daughter being forced to shower alongside a guy with a hard-on or she will be kicked out of school?

Number 10 – Lock-down of Ability to Own Private Property

   Yes, If the CDC has its way, there will be no more ability for citizens allowed to own their own homes. I watched the dark-haired lady on television, I think the head of the CDC at the time, say that private ownership of land should not be allowed. This was back during the middle of the China Flu time. How in the hell does the CDC think it’s any of their business to even say this? China seems to agree because the destruction of America is giving them ample chances to buy land and homes and businesses alike.

Number 11 – Lock-down of Freedom of Religion

    During the China Flu lockdowns even when church services were held at a drive-in with people safely in their cars, the police were sent to stop it. The government/China simply-doesn’t want us to gather as an exchange of ideas will tend to unite us rather than divide us.

Number 12 – Lock-down of the Right to Self-Sufficiency

   From this administration shutting down our pipelines, coal mining, and fracking all the way to not being allowed to collect rainwater or buy seeds during the China Flu.

Number 13 – Lock-down of the Right to Medical Care

   Let’s start by talking about Ivermectin. Doctors were not allowed to prescribe Ivermectin for Covid by order of our Nazi Government/China. I read about Dr Saleeby who practiced medicine for 30 years without a single complaint from the state medical board but was investigated because he was prescribing Ivermectin. He was told he would face legal action if he didn’t stop and receive fines of up to $5000. per violation. The FDA even said Ivermectin was safe to use for “parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like Rosacea,” But Oh No, Ivermectin is not to be used for Covid. Well the FDA is now being sued by a team of 3 doctors.

   Ivermectin had thousands of trials and proof from 1,000s of doctors that its effectiveness and safeness are evident. But if this got out, there would be no use for the shot, and Fauci and the government and big pharma would lose billions, the government decided that they would control hospitals and doctors (and even medical examiners that refused to put down the cause of death as Covid.) The the government would tell the doctors what they could and couldn’t prescribe. One of the drugs the government pushed was Remdisivir. Yes, the drug that failed drug trials because it caused your kidneys to shut down which causes your lungs to fill with fluid which causes Pneumonia, and then when you die they label it as a Covid death. This Nazi Government sees this as a win/win situation because the more deaths they label as a Covid death, the more fake information they have to convince us TO STAY LOCKED DOWN!!

   Stay tuned for my next article as I may decide to do more research on Julian Huxley’s“Transhumanism” which is supposedly the “New Eugenics.”

   In conclusion, I must also add one last thought. Of course, every American is less safe because of this administration’s determination to take down America in the name of greed. But we must also remember that hatred and greed never, ever win in the long run. People who are filled with hate only end up destroying themselves and fighting among themselves which is already happening. So let’s make a decision to “Do the Right Thing” and start uniting and speaking out loudly against this Nazi Regime.

   Good and Evil live in everyone’s heart. It is up to each of us to choose the “Right Thing To Do” in life.


   With Special Thanks to Cherie for the great research materials.

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